Response to Matt Cutts’ “Try Something New for 30 Days” Ted Talk

Cutts’ talk presents a very simple argument(Title): Try Something New for 30 Days. He argues that 30 days is enough time to try something new, so that you know whether to stick to it or not. He also mentions that it is not TOO long, and that because of this fact you should be able to do anything you want. It is a simple concept, but his excited way of expressing the idea and his use of anecdotes proves effective in keeping the audience interested. His audience was everyone attending that TED talk session; these people pay significant sums of money to go and listen to the worlds most innovative ideas. His idea was simple, but that is part of its greatness; he believes that those who feel like their life is uneventful and that the months blend into each other could benefit greatly from trying new things every month. Overall, I think he expressed the idea well enough that it left an impression on the audience.

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